How to Become Anorexic Very Fast

This is a detailed guide on how to become anorexic very fast with the causes, signs, and treatment.

Becoming anorexic very fast is a serious and potentially life-threatening but treatable illness. It is described by extreme reduction of food intake and an intense fear of gaining weight.

However, there is a right way to become anorexic very fast and still be healthy.

Give yourself and others a healthy self-image by learning about anorexia and the right way on how to become anorexic very fast.

What is Anorexia?

Anorexia, formally known as Anorexia nervosa (AN), is an eating disorder and also a highly distinctive serious mental disorder.

In the process of limiting the number of calories and the type of food they eat, people with anorexia eventually lose weight and cannot maintain a proper body weight based on their height, age, stature, and physical health.

They may exercise in an irresistible way or purge the food they eat through intentional vomiting and/or misuse of laxatives.

Individuals with anorexia also have a self-image of their body that is out of shape and have an intense fear of gaining weight.

Anorexia is a serious condition that requires treatment. Extreme weight loss in people with anorexia can lead to dangerous health problems and even death.

4 Sub-types of Anorexia

Due to the complicated state of disordered eating behaviors and the fact that people do not always occupy themselves in restricting behaviors alone, these four sub-types of anorexia will help to further explain and give a wider understanding of anorexia behaviors.

1. Anorexia Nervosa, Restricting Type

Restricting Type is the most commonly known type of anorexia.

Individuals with this sub-type of anorexia nervosa severely reduced their energy intake, counting calories, skipping meals, and following obsessive rules, such as only eating foods of a certain color.

Weight loss occurs primarily through dieting, fasting, and/or excessive exercise

2. Anorexia Nervosa, Binge-Eating & Purge Type

Diet restrictions are a common feature in people with this form of anorexia. Binge-eating and purging, on the other hand, accompany this.

Binge eating is a behavior in which a person consumes large quantities of food in an attempt to alleviate feelings of helplessness or helplessness.

In order to ‘make up’ for overeating, the individual resorts to self-induced vomiting, laxative abuse, diuretic abuse, or enemas.

Bulimia Nervosa sufferers, on the other hand, engage in restrictive behavior, whereas those with this sub-type do not.

3. Atypical Anorexia Nervosa

It is classified as an “Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder” in the DSM-5, a category that encompasses cases where symptoms of an eating disorder are present but do not meet the full criteria for a specific diagnosis.

Those who suffer from Atypical Anorexia Nervosa are anorexic, but their weight remains within or below the normal range despite the fact that they have lost a significant amount of weight.

4. Anorexia Athletica

However, the term “Anorexia Athletica” is not included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).

A number of eating disorder researchers and practitioners believe the phenomenon warrants an official diagnosis because it is so prevalent in the general population.

Until then, the term is used to describe people who engage in excessive or compulsive physical activity while consuming only a small amount of food.

Who Does Anorexia Affect?

People of any age, gender, sexes, race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, economic status, and individuals of all body shapes, weights, and sizes can become anorexic very fast.

Uniquely, anorexia is commonly seen among adolescent girls and young adult women; although men do also contact it but is on the increase in children and older adults.

Causes of Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia’s etiology remains a mystery. Although a genetic risk factor is present, it does not appear to be the only factor that contributes to the development of the condition.

Anorexia nervosa is a coping mechanism for a variety of stressors, including, but not limited to, developmental challenges, transitions, family conflicts, and academic pressures.

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Anorexia may be triggered by sexual abuse, but not as frequently as other psychiatric disorders.

While puberty and adolescence are the most common triggers, anorexia can also be found in otherwise healthy families without any apparent triggers.

An obsessive personality trait, low self-esteem, depression and anxiety, and a poor ability to cope with stress are all factors that contribute to a high level of perfectionism.

Media and popular culture, such as magazines, TV shows, and movies, exert cultural pressures on people to maintain a thin body image.

How to become anorexic very fast is more common in people who work in sports, ballet, or the entertainment like models or fashion industries, all of which require a slim build.

Extreme dieting can alter the balance of hormones in the body, which can have an impact on the way the brain works.

3 Symptoms of Anorexic Patients

A common misconception is that people who are severely underweight have developed anorexia as a result of their weight loss efforts.

It’s impossible to tell whether a person is anorexic solely by looking at them; however, these people are characterized by a series of obvious and hidden signs that could be deadly.

Just like many disorders, the symptoms of anorexia are the combination of these 3 signs namely;

  • Behavioral signs
  • Physical signs
  • Psychological signs

Behavioral Signs

Some people with anorexic disorder do exhibit certain behavioral transitions even before physical symptoms occur. This includes:

  • Severe weight loss
  • Wearing layers to hide weight loss
  • Obsessed with weight gain, food, calories, dieting or exercise
  • Denies hunger cues
  • Uncomfortable eating in public
  • Talks about needing to burn off calories
  • Avoids mealtimes or situations where food is involved
  • Refuses to eat specific foods in fear of gaining weight (no carbohydrates, fats, etc.)
  • Unable to maintain a weight that is appropriate for their age, height and overall build
  • Intense fear of being overweight or fat despite weight loss
  • Body aches such as constipation, lethargy, cold intolerance or excess energy
  • Constantly commenting on being fat or overweight
  • Female loses period post puberty
  • Inflexible thinking and lack of social spontaneity
  • Heightened emotional expression

Physical Signs

Anorexia Nervosa results in severe malnourished individual that can be identifiable in many ways other than weight loss, such as:

  • Gastrointestinal problems including stomach pains, constipation or acid reflux
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Difficulties with concentration
  • Feeling cold all the time
  • Dry skin
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Anemia, low thyroid or other hormone imbalances
  • Fine hair on the body (lanugo)
  • Muscle weakness
  • Cuts or calluses around the finger or joint area due to forced vomiting
  • Yellowing skin
  • Lowered immune system
  • Dental problems such as cavities or tooth sensitivity
  • Dry or brittle hair
  • Poor wound healing

Psychological Signs

People gradually become anorexic to show some psychological signs which may heighten as the disorder progresses. They include:

  • being preoccupied with eating, food, body shape and weight
  • being extremely dissatisfied with their body, or having a distorted body image
  • being anxious and/or irritable at meal times
  • depression and anxiety
  • difficulty concentrating
  • having rigid thoughts about food
  • low self-esteem and perfectionism

How to Diagnosed Anorexia 

A healthcare provider can diagnose a person with anorexia based on the criteria for anorexia nervosa listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) published by the American Psychiatric Association.

Even if all the criteria in DSM-5 for anorexia aren’t met, an individual can still have a severe eating disorder.

Individuals who meet the criteria for anorexia but who aren’t underweight despite significant weight loss have what’s known as atypical anorexia.

Healthcare providers according to the Diagnostic guidelines in the DSM-5 are allowed to determine if a person is in partial remission (recovery) or full remission as well as to specify the current severity of the condition based on body mass index (BMI).

If signs and symptoms of anorexia are present, an evaluation is performed on complete medical history and physical examination of the patient by a healthcare provider.

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The health care provider or a mental health professional needs to ask questions about the following:

  • Dietary history (attitudes about food, dietary restriction).
  • Exercise history.
  • Psychological history.
  • Body image (this includes behaviors such as how often you weigh yourself).
  • Bingeing and purging frequency and elimination habits (use of diet pills, laxatives and supplements).
  • Family history of eating disorders.
  • Menstrual status (if your periods are regular or irregular).
  • Medication history.
  • Prior treatment.

It is advisable that people experiencing signs and symptoms of anorexia, be sure to talk to a healthcare provider as soon as possible.

How to Treat Anorexia

Studies have shown that the earlier anorexia is treated, the better the long-term recovery outcomes are, and so it is important to get treatment as soon as possible.

Parents and guardians of adolescents and young adults should be on the lookout for warning signs and not be afraid to bring up the topic of healthy eating, physical activity, and body image on a regular basis.

If anorexic patients are treated early enough, they have a lower risk of developing complications that damage their organs. A patient’s treatment depends on the specifics of their situation.

Anorexics need to be treated by eating disorder specialists if they are to recover.

These specialists are well-versed in the nuances of the disorder and can assist the patient and their loved ones in identifying the level of care required and figuring out how to get that care.

If you’ve been diagnosed with anorexia, it’s important to remember that you can get better.

Even though an individual may be unable to overcome their difficulties, they can still receive appropriate treatment and lead an enriched life that is free of food-related constraints.

This includes psychological therapy, nutritional counseling, and/or hospitalization for anorexia treatment and monitoring the process of weight gain.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, DBT, and Family-Based therapy are the most effective treatments for anorexia.

Ask anorexia treatment centers what modality is best for you before deciding where to get treatment.

4 Tips on How to Become Anorexic Very Fast

People who become anorexic do not see it as a disorder but a different way of life that does not fit in with the rest of society’s nutritional norms.

Skipping meals, exercising regularly and only eating foods that contain low-calorie are the necessary steps to become anorexic very fast.

Individuals that eat healthfully but in small amounts with increased physical activity can still become anorexic very fast.

1. Eat baby Food

With this, you don’t have to cook; it is cheap and can easily shed some pounds with regulated portions and less exercise.

If you want to become anorexic very fast use the baby food method by replacing two to three meals a day with baby food.

However, leave dinner or one meal a day as a normal meal which maybe salad or fruit. This is to ensure that your digestive system works at least to the barest minimum.

2. Air Weight Loss Plan

This is the second most effective way of how to become anorexic very. The procedure of air weight loss plan is simply avoiding solid foods.

Just take snacks, fresh air, soup, water and such like. At the same time avoid calorie foods.

3. Adopt Boot Camp Diet

This is one of the most extreme weight loss methods and ways of how to become anorexic very fast.

People are advised to consult experts before starting this out as well as compensate for the reduced calories with natural supplements.

The shortfall of this method is that it reduces the body metabolism.

4. Join the Five Bites Diet

The number of times you chew your food instead of the number of calories you consume is used in this system. You are limited to five bites of each food item. This method is another way to become anorexic very fast.

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This allows you to set aside a specific time each day to eat. You can eat whatever you want, as long as you take your time, chew your food thoroughly, and savor each bite.

You must, however, include a protein in each of your meals. In addition, don’t forget to take supplements.

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9 Best Ways to Help Someone with Anorexia

The best way to help someone who has become anorexic very fast is to be there for them, support them and become educated on the disease.

It’s not always easy to discuss an eating disorder with someone you care about, and they may become defensive or deny that there is a problem.

1. Become educated on the disease

As much as possible take advantage of health and nutrition articles, books, brochures and other resources as this will help you and your loved one have a conversation.

There are many myths about eating disorders that need to be dispelled.

2. Setup a time to talk privately

Make sure to find a time and place where you are alone and can discuss your concern their anorexic lifestyle.

This allows the person to feel more secure and safe because nobody likes their personal life to be publicly displayed.

3. Practice what you will say

It’s a good idea to jot down your ideas and what you want to say in advance.

This can help you relax and prepare your main points for the conversation.

4. Be understanding, caring and firm

It is important not to make promises or statements that you can’t keep.

Being firm allows you not to not feel as though you are being manipulated.

5. Tell someone

Talk to the person right away if you have any concerns before it’s too late or life-threatening, even if you find it difficult to do so.

They will need a lot of help from friends and family during this period in their lives.

6. Encourage treatment

The best thing for someone who has become anorexic very fast is to seek out help and treatment as soon as possible.

Offer to help them find a physician, care giver or treatment center where they can get help for themselves.

7. Stick to facts

Do not let your feelings get the best of you and take over the conversation.

Stay focused on the facts and behaviors that you’ve observed that are concerning.

8. Be prepared for them to be negative or defensive

The last thing anyone wants to hear is that they’re doing something wrong or that they have a problem with their behavior.

It’s not uncommon for people to become defensive or deny that they have a problem at all when confronted about it.

9. Be Honest

Speak openly and honestly about how you’re feeling and what’s on your mind. Avoiding or not being upfront with the situation will not help in the long run.

Anorexics may have a difficult time changing their ways and admitting that they have a problem. Any form of malnutrition can lead to a distorted way of thinking.


Being anorexic is not a death warrant; rather it can result from a serious ailment that requires urgent attention if not properly managed.

This will serve as a guide to avoid any of these signs and causes to be anorexia free.

Do not hesitate to help anyone you notice that is exhibiting these signs and symptoms.

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